Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pig Heart Transplant : Hope You Enjoy Heaven CD Out Soon On SWEATLUNG.

I'm super stoked to announce that the PIG HEART TRANSPLANT 'HOPE YOU ENJOY HEAVEN' cd on Sweatlung is just about to be unleashed. Having been in process for almost a year now the all the parts have hit the ground down under and are heading off to the pressing plant this week.

Pig Heart Transplant is a project headed by Jon Kortland (Iron Lung / Gob) and on this release he is joined by a host of heavy hitters: August Alston (Lords Of Light / Walls / Silentist), Sanders Creasy (Unpersons, Bite Itself), Chris Dodge (Despise You / Lack Of Interest / Spazz / Hellnation / East West Blast Test etc.), Dustin Ferris (Hounded Wounds), Mike Priehs (Threatener, Herds, Mutator, Broachfaced), Jensen Ward (Iron Lung / Artimus Pyle / Walls / Cold Sweat, Gehenna etc.), Greg Wilkinson (Brainoil / Lana Dagales / Laudanum).

Having released a bundle of tapes, CDrs and a split 7" with rumblers Blue Sabbath Black Cheer, PHT have proved themselves a force of dark noise. Sparse rumbles, sludge ridden guitar, raw growls and blunt force drums with nods to Man Is The Bastard and Swans.

Also available in a limited quantity is a Pig Heart Transplant "Hope You Enjoy Heaven" CD & t-shirt deal, please contact for availability of sizes etc.

This release will be available in mid September. If you would like to pre-order a copy please feel free to shoot me an email at getonthehorse(@)hotmail.com .


Blogger JG said...

got mine today Pete..amazing!

4:33 PM  

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